Drivers Could Be Fined If They Vape at The Wheel
Drivers Could Be Fined If They Vape at The Wheel
Police have warned e-cigarette users they risk prosecution if they vape at the wheel.
Clouds of vapour produced by the devices could be just as distracting as using a mobile phone. Vaping could cause fatal crashes if excessive amounts of smoke momentarily blind drivers.
Although vaping while driving is not a specific offence, police can treat the devices like other electronic gadgets. This means users could be guilty of driving without due care an attention, which can result in disqualification, three to nine points on driving licence, or a fine up of up to £2,500.
There are no laws prohibiting vaping. However, drivers need to be in full and proper control of their vehicle at all times.
Any person who is distracted in any way could be guilty of an offence whether that be smoking, vaping or eating.