Companies Risk Fines by Failing to Destroy CVs

Companies Risk Fines by Failing to Destroy CVs Under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which comes into force on 25 May 2018, companies may be at risk of hefty fines by failing to destroy sensitive data contained within…
Workplace Surveillance

Workplace Monitoring

Workplace Monitoring Employers now have increasingly more options when it comes to monitoring their employees – whether this is to track productiveness or to protect business interests.  These could include observing staff computer…

Legal Status of HSE Guidance and ACOPs

Legal status of HSE guidance and ACOPs HSE publishes guidance (in the form of leaflets, books and on its webpages) and Approved Codes of Practice (ACOPs). HSE guidance provides advice to help you understand how to comply with the law;…

Drivers Could Be Fined If They Vape at The Wheel

Drivers Could Be Fined If They Vape at The Wheel Police have warned e-cigarette users they risk prosecution if they vape at the wheel. Clouds of vapour produced by the devices could be just as distracting as using a mobile phone.  Vaping…